
Welcome to A Woman After God's Own Heart! Thank you for taking the time to read what God has laid on my heart. I pray you leave here inspired, encouraged and on fire for God! :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Won't You Be My Love...

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope everyone is having a good week so far! I was having my morning worship when this song came on, and I felt like it was Jesus asking me this personally. I attached the Youtube link, but also all the lyrics in case you can't view the video.

Lyrics to Won't You Be My Love : Mercy Me

[Verse 1:]
When you fall asleep tonight
In your warm and cozy room
Know that I'm awake
And I've got no shelter and no food

[Pre-Chorus 1:]
I am not alone
My friends are broke and lost
Looking for someone to lead them to my cross
I need your help, I need your help

[Chorus 1:]
Won't you be My voice calling
Won't you be My hands healing
Won't you be My feet walking into a broken world
Won't you be My chain-breaker
Won't you be My peacemaker
Won't you be My hope and joy
Won't you be My Love

[Verse 2:]
The other side of the world
She is just a few days old
A helpless little girl
With no family of her own

[Pre-Chorus 2:]
She is not to blame for the journey she is on
Her life is no mistake
Won't you lead her to My cross?

[Chorus 1:]

To those I call My own
To those I've set aside
As spotless without blame
The chosen ones My bride

[Chorus 2:]
We will be Your voice calling
We will be Your hands healing
We will be Your feet walking into a broken world
We will be Your chain-breaker
We will be Your peacemaker
We will be Your hope and joy
We will be Your love

[Verse 1:]
When you fall asleep tonight
In your warm and cozy room
Know that I'm awake
And I've got no shelter and no food

[Pre-Chorus 1:]

[Chorus 1:]

[Verse 2:]
The other side of the world
She is just a few days old
A helpless little girl
With no family of her own

[Pre-Chorus 2:]
She is not to blame for the journey she is on
Her life is no mistake
Won't you lead her to My cross?

[Chorus 1:]

To those I call My own
To those I've set aside
As spotless without blame
The chosen ones My bride

[Chorus 2:]
We will be Your voice calling
We will be Your hands healing
We will be Your feet walking into a broken world
We will be Your chain-breaker
We will be Your peacemaker
We will be Your hope and joy
We will be Your love

While I was listening to this song I was thinking about these past couple of weeks and wondering if I've done even half of these things. Have I been God's voice calling, his peacemaker, his hope and joy and most importantly have I been his love? Have I shown his love to someone else that really needed to see it? It's so funny because I've been so busy trying to get everything right in my life that I never stopped to realize that it won't all be right over night. All the changes I want to make and the things I want to do in my life to please God are going to take time. I'm never going to be perfect. I know God understands this, but it hurts me to disappoint him. Sadly, we disappoint God daily, knowingly and unknowingly. There are times that a thought crosses our mind, or us not allowing his light to shine through us to help others, those moments can hurt God.

One of my biggest struggles has been, wanting everyone to be where I am in my walk with God. To be so excited about what he’s doing in our lives and want to share that excitement with others. The reality is, everyone isn’t me. Some people are introverted and I’m definitely NOT! Lol! I like to talk and meet new people and get to know them. Some are the complete opposite and I know that’s okay, but I guess I’ve just wanted someone else to share this burning desire to change their lives around and want to do as much as I do to help others. I haven’t thought about these feelings in a while, but my daily devotion mentioned some great points that helped give me a different perspective. It talked about Paul’s letter to the Colossians and how he thanked God for their spiritual growth. I realized that a lot of people may be growing in Christ and just because they aren’t like me doesn’t mean I should feel let down. Instead, I should be thanking God for their spiritual growth and asking God to help them to continue to grow spiritual. Check out this amazing prayer that Paul prayed for the Colossians’.

Colossians 1:9-14

Since the day we got this good news about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We ask: Father, may they clearly know Your will and achieve the height and depth of spiritual wisdom and understanding. May their lives be a credit to You, Lord; and what’s more, may they continue to delight You by doing every good work and growing in the true knowledge that comes from being close to You. Strengthen them with Your infinite power, according to Your glorious might, so that they will have everything they need to hold on and endure hardship patiently and joyfully. Thank you, father, as You have made us eligible to receive our portion of the inheritance given to all those SET APART by the LIGHT. You have rescued us from dark powers and brought us safely into the kingdom of Your Son, whom You love and in whom we are redeemed and forgiven of our sins [through His blood].

WOW! As always, very powerful! Paul was praying for their knowledge and strength because he knew they would need it to “endure hardship”. He knew that becoming a Christ follower wasn’t going to be easy for them and that they would face more challenges, but he also knew that by praying this prayer God would honor it because Paul was one of God’s chosen ones. We are all one of his chosen one’s when we step outside of our old ways and allow God to transform us into who HE wants us to be. We are set apart by the light and that light is JESUS ladies. We are set apart from this world because we believe in him. That’s why I say our actions have to be different than what this world expects from us. We should be unique and stand out just like Jesus did. We can all afford to grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding and even in our walk with God.  I prayed this prayer for all of you this morning and I hope that you will pray it for others as well.

I hope to see all of you next Sunday at Uncle Julio’s! Excited to meet all of you! J

**Don’t forget to ‘like’ our page on FB!! “Women After God’s Own Heart”**
Stay encouraged, inspired and motivated today and help someone else do the same! J

Raynisia Nagel

A Woman After God’s Own Heart

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