For all of those wondering what’s up with me and all of my recent FB posts, this blog and the FB I recently started, I wanted to write a blog just for you. J I know you’re wondering what changed me and I just wanted to tell you that Jesus is what happened. Some wonder how the change came so quickly and it seemed like it happened over night, but it honestly happened in the spilt moment that I realized why I had been so unhappy with what seemed like everything in my life. I knew something needed to change and instead of pointing fingers at everyone around me I pointed them at myself. I decided to actually allow God to consume me and stop trying to live for myself, because that obviously wasn’t getting me anywhere.
Many of you won’t understand this and you may question why I decided to do this or if this change is real and I’m here to tell you it’s realer than you know. It’s like God took my blind fold off and I can see things clearly now. Some of you are where I am in my spiritual walk and some aren’t, some may not even have the desire to be where I am, but just want an explanation. My explanation is this, when God speaks to a person so clearly and tells them what he wants them to do who could say no? If you aren’t where I am then maybe God hasn’t spoken to you yet, maybe he has and you blocked it out, or maybe you have been so busy doing what you want to do that you don’t hear him at all. That’s fine, we are all in different places, but I have something to declare to the world and it’s my love for the Lord. It has helped me love my life and everything in it. That doesn’t mean I don’t have bad days or that I don’t get stressed. I’m not the “perfect” person, but I do hold myself to higher standards than before. I actually care about pleasing God and living for him. I care if I do or say something that I know hurts God. Living my life the way I was a couple of months ago wasn’t getting me anywhere. My life wasn’t terrible by any means, but I felt a void. I felt alone even when I was with a group of people and I felt misunderstood. Getting my “spiritual health” where it needed to be has changed EVERY aspect of my life. I’m not ashamed or embarrassed of my relationship with God or my desire to live for him. Honestly, I wish everyone could experience it. Living for God is not easy by any means. Not only do I have people I don’t really know judging me, but also friends and family that want to know “what happened to Raynisia”. It’s not easy feeling misunderstood and wishing that everyone was at the same place you are in their lives. There are only two things to do in this situation, I can either care so much about what the world thinks of me that I stop living for God OR I can take the other route and stay on the path that I FIRMLY believe leads to greater things than this world has to offer, which is living my life for God. Taking a stand for what I believe in and not allowing what the world thinks of me to affect the way I live my life. No matter what I do people will judge me, and I would rather them judge me for me living for God than for them to say I never even tried.
I haven’t always been this on fire for God, but I’ve always loved him and tried to live for him. I’ve been where so many people are today, where they go to church EVERY Sunday and they take the word and never apply it to any part of their lives, or they do but it only last for a little while. I’ve also been that person that heard people praising God and saying “Amen” when the preacher says something good, and wondering why they were saying that or wondering what they were experiencing because I wasn’t there. I questioned them and I questioned if what they were experiencing was real. I knew that if it was real that I definitely wanted a part of it. That’s the thing, I wasn’t where they were in their walk with God, and therefore I couldn’t relate to what they were going through because I didn’t understand it. It’s okay not to understand why I am where I am, but I urge you to give it a try. J
God told me to let his light shine through me and I’m trying to do this every day. Every day is a struggle, but he’s well worth it. J
Check out Matthew 5:13-16
Have a wonderful day! Stay encouraged, inspired and motivated and help someone else do the same today! J
Raynisia Nagel
A Woman After God’s Own Heart
This way you won't be swallowed by a big fish...I think your is well with my soul...
ReplyDeleteVery proud of you Schatz :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! That helps a lot! :)
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a judgement, just a suggestion. In proclaiming yourself to be changed and after God's heart, you would bring a lot less judgement on yourself if you stopped posting on Facebook about margaritas, drunk ice skating, and all of the other alcohol-related activities you announce to everyone.
ReplyDeleteA mother always have to say something. I may be a little late but better late than never. I am saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit. And I am in love with the Lord. One should never stop being true themselves because God goes by the heart. God states that it is okay to drink but don't get drunk. I did not have my first drink until I was 40 years of age. Does that make me a bad person for drinking? I say absolutely not. However, as it has been stated all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The skate party by the way was before this blog started. That is just to point out the more mature you become in Christ you will attempt to be like he states we should be. If you don't know what that is, he said to be without wrinkle or spot, to be blameless in front of man because he knew that some people will not accept the change but only look at who you use to be; and actually who you will always be A SINNER SAVED BY GRACE. THANK YOU JESUS FOR YOUR BLOOD. Let the one without sin cast the first stone.
DeleteThis isn't a judgement just a suggestion... She stated she's not perfect... Sins are forgiven... No where does it state she's a hypocrit for doing those things and living by gods words... If she was committing murder it would be totally different... Nisia is one of the most level headed kind hearted people you will ever meet and her spiritual journey with God has nothing to do with what she does on the weekend she lives her life to the fullest and still lives by God! Just saying... Alcohol has nothing to do here... Are you spiritual why are you judging...
ReplyDeleteThanks for your opinion and I understand where you're coming from, but there is no where in the bible where it says you can't drink or have a good time. It does talk about not getting drunk so i'll give you that! :) I'm not a perfect person or Christian and everyday we ALL fall short, BUT the point i'm tring to make it that i'm human. Every area of my life won't be perfect EVER and God knows that. I'm not tryint to live up to anyones expectations except for his. If you are following along with the blog or even my FB you will notice that I have ups and downs just like everyone else. The difference is that I'm trying to get my life right and i'm not afraid to admit that I will make mistakes along the way. The purpose of this blog is to ENCOURAGE one another and no judgement because no one is perfect. I hope you'll keep reading and understand that. Even Jesus broke bread and shared wine with his disciples. :)
ReplyDeleteTo stress what has previously been said this blog is here as a support group, as well as encouraging safe haven. Please focus on that rather than any mistakes made and "suggestions" regarding behavior. This blog has touched maby lives and people generally enjoy it and THAT ladies is the point and the reason for praise and comments. It is easy to see that Raynisias heart is in this blog and her heart is chasing after God, the bible says "we all fall short of the glory of God". We are all sinners,therefore all the women in and following this blog are sinners. We are sinners looking desperately towards God with our hands open reaching for Him. As long as we are searching for Him ans living for him to the best of our ability then we are heading in the right direction. I will and have been praying for her, this blog, and everyone associated with it. LOok for those fireflies ladies, they should be there!!!
ReplyDeleteVery well said you two! Nisia continue what your doing girl, your hoofs encourage me on a daily basis(:
Most people know that I'm not even a believer, but I believe in what this blog represents from a support and uplifting standpoint, so keep at it y'all! Let's not get too critical of the anonymous comment because apparently they see what it means to "live for God" as something different that you. It doesn't make him/her right or y'all right. This is exactly why there are so many denominations of Christianity now, because everyone thinks that you SHOULD believe someting slightly different. Those "critics" are the people that seem to forget that you all pray to the same God, shouldn't you be happy about that? Sad that this has to come from an atheist, SMH
ReplyDeleteYou're so right Sascha. Everyone has their own opinion of how to live for God and what's right/wrong and that's okay too! :)
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DeleteI support my sisters in faith. Question? Why does Anonymous really need to be anonymous, if you are just suggesting and not judging? I for one do not judge, least I be judged, therefore I would not judge you for you opinion, thoughts, feelings, observations. As Sasha stated, we all live and see God differently and that is ok. Nisia keep it up, and thank you for including me.