I pray that God has blessed your week thus far, but if you are thinking to yourself I'm just getting by, you're wrong. You are blessed just to be alive and I thank God for you. I thank him for you because I am not in this battle alone, but even better than that- we have been declared victorious in Christ already. We must ladies finish strong in the fight for our lives. Join me this morning in getting dressed for battle, and I don't mean having a cup of coffee so you won't be grouchy. Although I have already had mine for the day lol. Let me ask you to reach for your Breastplate of Righteousness, you should already have on your Belt of Truth and if you don't just go back to the post on 03/12/12 and grab it. I will wait on you right here, so you may want to put on the first piece of armor before you put the rest of your gear on. I want you to be well prepared for this battle-after all it's your life.
Ladies, I am not attempting to frighten you, but we are truly in a battle for our lives, for our families lives, and the devil is aiming to kill us off. Remember he is a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. I have to give you more of that scripture because I want to make it perfectly clear, YOU ARE NOT IN THIS FIGHT ALONE. The scripture comes from
1 Peter 5:8, but I want you to read 5:9 as well because I am one of your partners in this battle. 8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 9 Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.
So let us not waste time rather we like it or not we are all in this together, and you know in battle some of us - well all of us in this case gets wounded, some of us die, lose family members, turn to drugs, and the list goes on and on. However, my prayer is that although we are in this battle and again we must fight, none of us nor our friends and family will lose their eternal life. You see if you would take God at his word:
John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, so that all that believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Above in verse 9 notice it states Christian brothers and sisters you see some of us may be in this battle but we may be on the wrong side. Let me make it plain. You are either fighting for Jesus or you are fighting for the devil, I am not going to take for granted that everyone reading this blog is saved. However, if you want to fight for Jesus and know that you are on the right side read the scripture below but also accept it as truth and do as it states.
Roman 10:9-10, 9"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved."
So now my sister's and brothers if your reading this and you believe the above scripture as I do than you are on the right side of this battle. Now lets go fight the devil and do some wounding of our own. The Breastplate of Righteousness is the next gear that you need to always put on. Think back to the Roman soldier what he would wear before he went out for battle the breastplate which would guard his torso, which comprised his fundamental organs like his lungs, heart and so on. Now I know what you are thinking David used a sling shot, well you and I are not David lol. God showed David special favor and he told us to put on The Full Armor. Without a breastplate ladies you could almost be sure of certain death or such a bad injury you may wish you were dead. However, with this breastplate on when the devil throws his daggers, arrows, rocks, and whatever other weapons he has such as: people who you thought were your friends but they betrayed you. The armor guards you against that. Let me go a little deeper, you see we are not in the Roman era now...but in a way we are. Its just that the weapons the enemy uses now are different. Examples: My husband cheated on me and left me, I lost my job, my kids are on drugs, I lost my house, or my co-worker committed suicide. To you and me these are weapons of mass destruction and can make one lose their mind if...and I say IF we did not have on the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Now I know you're wondering where does that righteousness come in there, and what does it mean. It comes in because it makes the devil's attacks ineffective because we are righteous with God he helps us to stand firm when the trials and tribulations come. And you know sister when you are to weak to stand that's why Jesus has me and other sister's in the battle with you. Those blows that the devil throws out may wound you but not wipe you out of the battle, so what does the devil do?...Believe me he won't stop trying to take us out, so he goes back and inspect your tape and he does have you on video. He does not know your thoughts but he certainly know your habits, so if they are bad habits change them. Make the devil have to come up with a new play book. You have been filmed and reviewed by your enemy again and again. He will pursue you in a different fashion if he cannot get you in the old bad habits...be careful of that tall handsome man, he just might be a trick from the devil. As your mother have said or someone you know have said...what looks good is not always good for you. And the final thing about righteousness- I will let Proverbs tell you, and remember Proverbs is considered the book of Wisdom.
Proverbs 11:4,"Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death."
Until we gear up again ladies with another part of our armor, know that Jesus loves you and so do we. We are family...We are soldiers in the army of the Lord, fight well.
Great post mom! I think it's nice for all of us to know we are not alone in this battle or this struggle. We have others to lean on to build us up and remind us of God's promises! :)