
Welcome to A Woman After God's Own Heart! Thank you for taking the time to read what God has laid on my heart. I pray you leave here inspired, encouraged and on fire for God! :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Who do I have but thee oh Lord?

Good Afternoon Ladies,

God word is never late, but it is the conduits that he uses sometime that are. I ask for your forgiveness in posting late. However, whenever the word of God is shared with me it is never late but always right on time. Today ladies I am going to be speaking with you about fear. Yes, I know that we have two more peaces of armor to take up, but God has placed the topic of fear on my heart, so I will obey and address it from a biblical standpoint. Let me give you all some personal information about me, and I pray that it will help you to know that although I love the Lord he has to remind me not to fear. I had my daughter's at a very young age and sometimes I would have to work two jobs just to make ends meet. Raynisia, my youngest daughter always had friends that she wanted to hang out with and do kids things such as: going to movies, going out to eat, going to games and etc... Shay, she was a lot different praise God. She was not an invert or anything but she opted most of the time to just stay home. As a parent I guess you can imagine which child was a cheaper date lol.

No matter how busy I was or the girls were we made time to spend with our first love-Jesus. I would ask the girls have you done your home-work, have you cleaned up the house, and did you pray this morning before you left the house? Majority of the the time- but not all the time I would hear- YES MOM-with a sigh behind it. You know as a single parent I worried so much about how was I going to feed the girls, how was I going to be able to afford activities they wanted to do, how was I going to be able to afford a house with the white picket fence, and when the time would come how was I going to be able to afford cars and college? Then one day I was doing my bible study, I would say it was about 2 AM in the morning. The girls were sleeping and I was so worried about all of the above I couldn't sleep. I prayed and asked God to give me a word. He heard me and I turned to 2Timothy 1:7, "For God did not give me the spirit of fear, but LOVE, POWER, AND A SOUND MIND." You know ladies the light bulb came on that night and I asked God who do I have but thee or Lord? The Holy Spirit response was, you don't need anyone but God.

You know I realize that we have family and friends and that's great and all but sometimes I have moments when I need someone instantly. Friends don't answer the phone and family cannot be contacted either- I have those 2AM moments. Jesus told me that he is a 24/7 God and nothing is to hard for him. I asked God to forgive me for worrying and from that moment on I would trust him, but don't get me wrong he still has to remind me suit up Reda. He reminds me he owns it all, a cattle on a thousand hills and he made me an heir with Christ, so in other words what Jesus owns I own too. So my feelings shifted, I went from worrying to telling the devil what I have and asking God to manifest some of those things. Remember what I said in the previous blog without faith it is impossible to please God? I started telling God I do trust you, but also remember faith without works is dead. In other words ladies you can tell God you trust him all you like but you need to put some foot action behind those words. If you don't pay your tithes, you may want to ask why are you always broke, discussed, and feeling like you're defeated. Actually you are defeated if you don't pay your tithes you are going to find yourself on the same hamsters wheel- going no where. Having faith in God gives you the ability not to fear because you know that God has your back no matter what. Pay your tithes and tell God, Lord I trust you and I am going to obey your word and watch you move on my behalf. If you would like to know more about tithing read the book of Malachi.

And after God told me baby girl you have to pay your tithes to see me move on your behalf. I did just that- I said Lord I don't care who don't get paid, but remember your word also. You said to owe no man nothing but to love him. So Father I am going to pay my tithes and I expect you to keep your word- you make a way out of no way. Ladies I started doing that and the dead beat dad checks started coming in....Don't get happy right now they were only 5 dollars here 10 dollars there lol, but God showed me I could never out do him. The reason I say that is because Raynisia's friends parents would usually flip the bill for her to go along on vacations and etc. with their families because they knew I couldn't afford it (Thank you Barbara, Nicky, and Mary) and so many other mom's and dad's that blessed my daughter's. When it came time for Shay to get her car, I drove off the show-room floor with no down payment. When it was time to purchase the house, God had it built from the ground up. People we serve a GREAT GOD, do not fear but have faith and remember faith is taking action. And by the way my last child support check last year 2011 was 7,300 dollars- I'm just bragging on God and as I always do with my girls, I have to do with you. Numbers have meaning in the bible 7 is completion and 3 is the Trinity. Your home-work for tonight ladies is to look in the back of your bibles find the word fear and read the scriptures, and then do the same thing for the word Faith. Who do we have but thee oh Lord?

Be blessed and bless others. The prayer line is always open.

1 comment:

  1. God has always made a way out of no way for us! It's funny that we ever doubt him! :)
