You may be reading this in the morning, noon, or evening time but whenever you read it I ask you to stop right here for a quick moment. Please ask the Holy spirit to open your heart that you may receive what the Lord has to say to you in the situation that is going on in your life, your families lives, or your friends lives. Where I go to church I am in the prayer ministry and I absolutely love it. I love going before the Lord and praying on the behalf of others as well as myself. However, it still boggles my mind when some people say some things such as: I'm good, I don't need prayer, or not today. With that ladies let me ask you- do you know anyone who is sick, do you know anyone who is addicted to drugs, are you or someone you know having financial problems, or have you lost your home? Truly there is so much going on in our lives that I am sure someone you know is going through at least one or more of the above. You may even be going through your own personal Hades.
Let me give you some good news right now, God knows exactly where you are and he made you a promise that he would never leave nor forsake you. However, he has given us the power of prayer. How often do you pray? Do you only pray when you are going through difficult times, or do you pray without ceasing as the word of God tells us to do? Now don't get me wrong you don't want just anyone praying for you, especially if their life style is Hellish. I hope that you will be encouraged by knowing God knows all about your pain, and he wants you to rest in his love and trust in his faithfulness. You see before you ask him for a job, your family member to be freed from the addiction of drugs or whatever the case may be- he wants you to examine his character. If you and I would just examine the Lords character- we will see how much he truly loves us. If you woke up today that is part of his love, if your limbs work that is part of his love, if you have friends or family that tells you they love you- than Jesus surely loves you. Needless to say his is an unconditional love, and just as he loves you- he remains faithful even when we are not. I asked before how often do you pray, but what I should have asked is how often do you pray for others. I have come to realize that by praying for others God will automatically cover me. His word actually states if you obey my commands, you can ask for the desires of your heart and it shall be given. Let me just add we should never want anything that God does not want for would not be to our benefit. The scriptures below has always encouraged me when the devil was attempting to destroy me*******what the devil did for evil God allowed for my good.
1. Philippians 4:15 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
2. Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.
3. 1 Chronicles 16:34 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.
4. Psalms 92:2 It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening.
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