I’ve grown up in church my entire life. I had the kind of mom that most, if not all of us have, the kind that wanted more for her kids than she ever had herself and the mother that didn’t want her kids to follow in her footsteps. She wanted so much more for my sister and me than she ever had so she set high expectations for us. I still remember her reading bible stories to my sister and me every night before we went to sleep when we were younger. Some of you grew up like I did. You know God, you believe in him and you love him, BUT (there is always a “but”) you start to fall into your comfort zone with him. Just like in a relationship with a boyfriend, you’ve been together with that person so long that you stop caring about wearing make-up and being dressed up every time you see them. You stop trying to impress them and fall into your comfort zone. This usually doesn’t end well in a relationship. That’s what we do with God. We start to fall into a comfort zone with him. I know I sure did. I started to read my bible less, didn’t go to church as often and didn’t pray as much as I used to. It bothered me because I felt so far away from God. I knew he was still there, but I didn’t hear his voice anymore. I was still in the routine of telling my friends to pray about what they were going through and telling them to trust God, but I wasn’t even doing that. I was so far from God, but I still had the right answers for everyone else.
It’s not that I stopped believing in those things, but it just became a routine. It was like I was trained to say those things, but I wasn’t even living that lifestyle. I had grown too “comfortable” with God. Being comfortable with God can be a good thing because that means we open up to him more and we trust him more, BUT it can also be a bad thing if you grow so comfortable that you stop trying to WOW God. Just like in a relationship, you try and WOW that person when you get dressed up to go to dinner, but when you get home or the next day you’re back to your sweat pants routine. That look gets old and boring ladies and they lose interest because they want us to continue to WOW them. Being comfortable and being yourself is a great thing, don’t get me wrong, but don’t forget that everyone needs that WOW factor every once and a while. We should be doing this with God. We should be finding ways to WOW him every day!
When I reached my comfort zone with God I began to grow numb to worship at church and numb to what the pastor was preaching on. It’s not that those scriptures and songs don’t touch me it’s just that I was comfortable and I didn’t know how to start living my life again outside of that comfort zone. I started to live my life like I was a robot. Everything I did and said was by force of habit, telling my friends “pray about it” or “give it to God” were all things I had said when I was walking with God, but I had lost all of my true feelings and emotions. Everyone around me thought I had a great relationship with God and that I was where I needed to be in my walk with God, if only they could have seen what was going on in my heart. I was in a battle against myself, trying to live more for myself than I was for God and losing terribly. We’ve all been there. We’ve all fallen into a routine relationship with God or someone else and it didn’t go well. In any relationship you have to “spice” things up. Do something different than you normally do. Buy a new dress, get a new hair-do, try a new restaurant. It’s the same way with God. We have to do things to spice up our relationship with him too. Study something new in the bible, learn a new praise and worship song to sing to him, try a new church. We have to stay refreshed with God too ladies. It’s no fun staying in a routine relationship with God. All your prayers are the same, you only know a couple of passages in your bible and you’re giving your friends that same old advice. Don’t you want to advance in your relationship with God? Take it to the next step? I know I sure do. Just like I expected my husband to take it to the next step when we were dating God expects that from all of us. He wants us to take it to the next step with him too. The first step is starting a relationship with him, the next step is growing in your relationship with him (studying his word), next step is marrying him (you are living in God’s image and becoming one with him) and the last step is baring his children (sharing his word with others and lighting a fire in them). Where are you in your relationship with God right now? Do you want your relationship with him to advance ladies? I sure do! Value and treasure your relationship with God like you do your relationship with your husband, boyfriend, kids, friends, and family. He’s worth all of that and then some. Don’t allow your routine life with him to take over. Go and WOW God! J
Stay encouraged, inspired and motivated and help someone else do the same today!!
A song to get you through this beautiful day and remind you that you’re not alone! “Love come to Life” Big Daddy Weave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrRbPU8YRxs
I really enjoyed your post baby girl. May the Lord get you so addicted to him that when you leave his lap you feel the urge to return quickly. As you have stated we have all been there not wowing God. We just need to remember to always make him our first love, and everything else in life will fall into place. We will still have trials and tribulations but they are always to bring us closer to him. I'm proud that God blessed me with you baby girl.