Today was a very hard day for me, but I praise Jesus although it was hard I didn't go through it alone. Here lately my neighbors children have been very loud, so I would say that would make for about 1 to 2 hours of sleep before I get up and have to go to work. So Monday started off with only 1 hour of sleep and Jesus allowed me to awake and I certainly woke up praying. My prayer- Lord thank you for touching me this morning, but Lord you are going to have to take my place at work for me. I am sleepy and angry because of my sleepless night Father, and I don't want to dishonor you at work so Father please work through me. Of course there was more to it than that, but the Holy Spirit decided that my team members at work have been mistreated by co-works, customer's, & superiors. He told me to stop looking at myself and encourage someone else, so I stopped by the bakery and bought donuts and sausage rolls. Now if you should know anything about me, I believe that I own nothing but God owns it all-me included. So before I bought anything I asked God to confirm that I was hearing the Holy Spirit telling me to buy my co-workers breakfast because after all the funds God allow me to earn belongs to him. The earth is the Lords and the fullness there of. Which means everything and everyone belong to him.
I got to work and and set everything up and offered other supervisors and management breakfast as well. I let my teammates know as they strolled in- breakfast is ready and they could help themselves. a lot of them asked who bought this and what is it for? The Holy Spirit responded because I know our jobs are not easy but stay encouraged. Ladies- love covers a multitude of sins and when the world beats us down God want to use us to tell others to be encouraged. Today I went to work and I was told some bad news by management over attendance. I was so hurt that I got in my car and I told God- Lord I am hurt, you said that you would not allow me to be put to shame. Lord I feel like I have been put to shame, I come to work and I treat people the way you command me to with love but yet I feel hated and now I have been written up just for asking a customer not to be rude to me. Lord I am frustrated, hurt, and I know things are happening the way that they are because you are allowing them to. I know for sure you are in control, but Lord I don't know what you are doing but while you're doing what you're doing- please give me your peace- Amen.
The same day (today) I went to church -Wednesday night bible study... HALLELUJAH. My pastor actually came out of the book of Galatians, but he asked us to turn back to the book of Romans starting at chapter 7. I started reading Romans 7:21-28, then I read chapter 8:1-17. The author of Romans is Paul and he is speaking about the Spirit and the Flesh waging war against one another and it is a constant battle. You have to read it for yourselves ladies, but I must tell you a couple of these scriptures, Romans 8:5-6, "Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. You see ladies, I was felt bad telling God that I felt like he let people put me to shame, I was frustrated with him, and I felt hurt by him. However, after hearing the word of God tonight God told me the flesh wants- what the flesh wants, but he is pleased with me. I have allowed the Spirit that is within me to have his way and not my flesh. You see the old Reda, she would have blamed the attendance lady and had a fit about being written up and being treated unfairly. The spirit told the attendance lady oh that's okay, I understand you are just doing as you're told. When God wants me back in school it will happen, and she leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. You know I didn't even realize at that moment she wasn't seeing me but she was seeing the Spirit within me. I am determined Lord to walk by the Spirit, which means Lord I give you reign over my life, for my life is not my own- to you I belong, I give myself to you. This is a Spiritual battle ladies we must stop allowing the flesh to have its way and train our minds on the word of God. This life is not about me it is about our Lord and Savior and I am already saved, but the question is...Is the attendance lady saved? Are those who are treating me unfairly saved? You ladies may be the only bible others see. Be blessed and bless others.
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