Good afternoon ladies! My name is Brandy Fitch, I am a 29 year old women (oh shoot, let’s just face it I’m 30 as of 2/27) who lives in Dallas, TX. I’m a full time employee to a IT consulting company, part time student at Collin College, full time wife to a loving husband, full time daughter to the best father God could have given me, full time friend to a wonderful group of people, and a stepmother to 4 beautiful children. Life is crazy, hectic, fun, exciting and sometimes downright depressing. However, I’ve learned (the hard way) to turn to God during every single moment not just the depressing/hard moments but the fun and exciting times as well.
So there’s my into, now to the good stuff. Mrs. Raynisia Nagel has shared with me some of the struggles she’s dealt with recently and I’ve coached, listened, and most importantly prayed with her over all of it. So yesterday I made a routine check up call to see how she was doing and to my surprise she said “everything is great, I am so happy and have so much to tell you!!”. So 2 hours later (lol), the bottom line was that she went to a women’s conference this past weekend and God spoke to her like he never has before!!!
In her new revelation she decided she wanted to start a blog and share with other women her inspiration, her joy, her sorrow, her struggles, and how God is helping her through it all. So, being the encouraging friend, I said “that’s awesome Raynisia good for you!”……then it happen……she asked me to post as well. My mind immediately went AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Apparently she sensed that (5 yrs a friendship will do that) and said if I feel uncomfortable she understands and asked me to pray about it. I’ve never even read a blog much less posted one AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Honestly, I got off the phone with her, cooked dinner for 8, celebrated my daughter’s birthday, cleaned up the mess from dinner, cake and birthday crafts, laid in bed with hubby and vented about the somewhat bad day I had at work and didn’t’ give the blog a second thought…..(just between us, I feel asleep during my prayers).
This morning on my way to the office I was listening to a talk show and the host asked his colleges “does what we do on a daily basis make a difference in the world?”. My immediate thought was no, a radio station doesn’t change the world. Well to my surprise one of the other hosts said “of course, we have contests to pay peoples bills, we send 100’s of terminally ill kids to Disney World each year as their last wish, we had someone write in and said they were going to commit suicide that day but heard our radio show and decided it’s not that bad and he is still alive today, even if we make one person laugh and bring a little sunshine to their day that helps!” I thought, man, she’s right! I’m going to make it a goal that every day I change someone’s life somehow, some way. I wish I could pay their bills that day, or send them to Disney World, or prevent someone from ending their life. However, if I walk everyday in life with a positive attitude, show someone a little sunshine at the gas station, on the side walk walking into school, a co-worker or even more so my kids or husband then for that day, that moment I’ve made a difference. So I prayed right then and there “God, please help me to have a positive attitude, help me to walk my every day, extraordinary life with you by my side and let people see that, see You, see a happy person who for a moment, if not longer, and forget about their worries and problems. Help me make a difference.” His reply was “Brandy, blog about it.” I said “huh?”. “Join Raynisia’s blog, it’s not so scary, I promise, use your story this morning and share it, share Me, share your journey’s, your struggles, your needs and see how it impacts people and see how Brandy can make a difference in other people’s lives . Don’t worry; I’ll help make sure you have good stories to share. ;)” So ladies… we are….. here is my story of how I became a blogger. I hope that what you take away from this is that we, yes we, ladies can make a difference. We can start a journey together and WE can change lives. I pray that somehow, some way this blog has opened your eyes and hearts, and most importantly I hope that it has changed your lives.
Have a great day and remember if you “have faith as small as a mustard seed and you can move mountains”.
This scripture was shared with me today from a good friend:
ReplyDelete"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." - 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
Brandy thank you so much for taking the time and allowing God to use you!! You inspire me! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful and inspiring blog. Thank you ladies for putting this amazing piece of grace together. I love reading the positive ways God is working in your life. I look forward to contributing when it is laid on my heart.
ReplyDeleteLove it! You always have the right words to say when I need them! God put you in my life for a reason. Your more than a best friend, you are my sister! Love you lots!
ReplyDeleteAww ladies!! Thank you so much for all of your encouraging words! Please pray for us during this time because we all know the devil likes to try and ruin a good thing! We are both on fire for God! :) Keep reading and sharing!! :)
ReplyDeleteSeveral months ago I went to Women of Faith with my three daughters (Brandy being the adopted one) and was blessed to hear a dynamic speaker. His name is Andy Andrews and he was funny and engaging, and really had some good things to say about human behavior. My daughter Valerie bought one of his books as a Christmas present for me. 'The Noticer' had me from the beginning. Its about an mysterious old man who is always in the right place to help when someone has a problem. It reminded me of so many of the lessons I have learned and of the Godly way to conduct your life. This week the lesson I have put to work was phrased like this:
ReplyDeleteIf five birds are sitting on a wire and one decides to fly away, how many birds are on the wire now?
The answer is five. Just because you decide to do something doesn't make any difference. You have to act on your decision. Just intending to do something is not enough. These two girls decided to share their love with us- and acted on it! This blog may change one life, it might change many. But one thing is for sure, Brandy and Ranisia are no longer sitting on the wire! The Noticer must have visited them too!
Thank you Mary. I hope that you come back daily and check out our blogs because your words mean so much to me and I love learning from you. I am so lucky that God put you in my life!
DeleteMARY!! I love you! Thank you for that tear jerking story and thank you for encouraging Brandy and me! We def. need this! Allowing God to use us and work through us is def. not easy. It's challenging and scary, but it's also amazing and fun! I'm loving every single moment of him using me and I pray that he continues to do so! The Noticer def. visited me! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for everyones comments and sharing how the post effected you today. I pray that each and every post on this blog by both Raynisia and I touch each of you somehow, some way. Let's be extraordinary !
ReplyDeleteWow thanks everyone for sharing....Kish