
Welcome to A Woman After God's Own Heart! Thank you for taking the time to read what God has laid on my heart. I pray you leave here inspired, encouraged and on fire for God! :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

If the devil doesn't like it, he can sit on a tack!

Good afternoon ladies.  It’s been a few days since I’ve posted and I apologize for that.  I know that in my previous blog I mentioned that I’d discuss with you what I was learning in my bible study about James, however, something else has been laid on my heart to discuss today.  I hope you are ok with the change in plans.
                I’ve got a few questions for you today.  What was the last song you heard?  Are you singing it now?  Has it been in your head all morning?  What were you thinking of before you opened this blog today?  What kind of reminders to you get throughout the day?  DING- meeting at 2:00pm?   DING -Pick up the kids from school?  DING -Take the clothes to the cleaners?  DING-update the budget spreadsheet at the office.  DING- deadline today at 3:00pm.  All day, every day we have reminders of what we need to do at work, home, school, etc.  I don’t know about you ladies but it gets draining, overwhelming, exhausting and none of it lifts me up.  At the end of the day I have no idea what I even did that day that was productive, useful or uplifting. I bring all of this up because there is plenty that we can do on a daily basis to uplift us, encourage us, and remind us of God and His love. 
                My computer at work has been sending me daily reminders “it’s time to change your password” and I’ve ignored it for a week.  For whatever reason it seems SOOOO exhausting, and down right annoying to change my password.  I think, “geesh, what can I change it to this time?  Because HEAVEN FORBID I use the same on I did 12 months ago!  Ok, what can I do now?  I’ve already used my cat’s name, I’ve used my husband’s name, I’ve used our anniversary, I’ve used yoga555.” Then it He hit me like a ton of bricks saying “Be reminded of Me”.  I thought,” that’s a good point, I should make my password something uplifting, something meaningful, something that reminds me of God”…..so my password is now Godisawesome and then some stream of numbers.  So now all day every day at work I am reminded of those boring meetings, of that stupid run to the cleaners I need to make but I’m also reminded that God is awesome!   That’s so much better than my cat’s name, or yoga555.  So yes, I still get reminders all day long of meetings, and things I need to do but every time I log in to anything work related it puts a smile on my face and lifts me up. 
                On that same note, you may be asking why did she ask what the last song I heard was.  Well, last Sunday my daughter and I were in the kitchen having a random conversation as usual and I was humming a song that I had heard in church that morning.  She asked what I was singing and I shared a few lines for her and her reply was “yeah, I don’t know that song”.  So I asked her what she sang that morning and OHHH the memories came flooding in.  “B-I-B-L-E, that’s the word for me”…”big, big table, with lots and lots of food, a big big yard where we can play football, a big big house, it’s my father’s house”.  I then told her of a song we sang “ and if the devil doesn’t like it he can sit on a tack, OUCH, sit on a tack, OUCH, sit on a tack, he can sit on a tack to stay”….ok, so that one she looked at me like I was crazy.  Does anybody know that song, because when I told Raynisia about that conversation she thought I was crazy too?  Anyway, so the rest of the dang night I was singing that song, event as my husband and I laid down for bed “if the devil doesn’t like it he can sit on a tack to stayyyyyy”.   The next day I was walking through the office singing Baby Got Back (not sure how I went from the devil sitting on a tack to Baby Got Back…the mind is a mysterious thing) I realized this isn’t very uplifting….funny?  Yes.  Uplifting?  No.  And I remembered that all night the night before I was singing silly elementary church songs that made me giggle and reminded me that when I am signing of God’s praises that that wards off the devils negativity and he can go sit on a tack!  So when I got in my car that afternoon on my way home from another exhausting day at the office I programmed the local Christian radio station and listened to it all the way home.  Of course I only knew like one song, because it had been so long since I had listened, but hearing reminders of God’s awesomeness, of his His powerfulness, and how much He loves me was wonderful.  It made me decompress from work instead of bringing it home to my husband and children, it made me forget about all the stressors I had had that day as well as any that may be waiting on me when I return to work tomorrow.  So that morning I had my morning bible study, all day long as I logged onto my computer and various programs I use I was reminded Godisawesome, and on my way home I was reminded again and again after every song and was able to end my day with Him as well.  I also started listening in the mornings on my way to the office to get an “extra shot of God” in my day.  So now instead of “I need a sista I can’t rista.  Red beans and rice didn’t miss’er” I now sing “Our God is an awesome God He reins from heaven above with wisdom power and love our God is an awesome God”.   What great days I’ve been having, what great moods I’ve been in and people have noticed.  It’s awesome! 
                So there you go ladies.  Change those passwords to something encouraging, and uplifting.  Tune that radio station in and sing it all day long at the office, home, or where ever you may be and read our blogs…the more you are uplifted and reminded the more powerful you’ll be.  Be extraordinary today and help change someone’s life by letting them hear you sing a praise song instead of a rap song ;).  When they ask you what your singing, tell them, don’t be ashamed give them a line or two to help them remember or even better, let them see that there is this awesome God!  Be wonderful and carefree because God is in control; give all your stress, worries, anxiousness, troubles, and heartaches to Him.  YOU can’t do anything about it, so why not give it to someone who can.
                Love to you all!!


  1. AWESOME!! Everytime I get in the car it's like my song is playing. A song that addresses exactly what i'm feeling or a song to remind me of God's love and it seriously turns my mood around! LOVE the password idea! I'm def. going to use it! :)

  2. Brandy,
    Excellent Blog.....My fave song on KLTY is "Your Grace Is Enough" awesome song and you are right it beats the heck out of "Pumped Up Kicks" right.

